Working with SEO just couldn’t be simpler
November 17 2021
Here’s the latest in my series of posts about SEO and how you really can do it.
Covering off some simple basics
Try this – when you think SEO think simple. There are simple ways you can improve your Search Engine Optimisation that will grow your business. It is worth some of your time to understand how SEO works.
So let’s start at the beginning. Effective SEO helps web content be visible to search engines and findable to web users (or what are usually known as people). Yes, but even simpler than that it’s about clues. Search engines use computer programmes or algorithms to look for clues to give exactly the answer being looked for when searching online.
In all, there are around 200 factors Google considers when hunting for clues and these decide the order search results are listed. If you haven’t given the algorithm many clues it’s going to struggle to find you. Usefully, clues can be added into many places including, the words on a website page, how the page was constructed and who and what the page links to.
Make a start with SEO today by writing some clues. Make sure your website explains your business clearly. Look at the website of your direct competitors and those being positioned highly by Google. They may not be the same so can you see why?
I’ll be back with some more SEO basics very soon.